Day 5: Testing Your Side Hustle Idea Without Costs

FREE 30 Day Course

Adrian Brambila
5 min readFeb 5, 2021

No matter which side hustle you create — drop shipping, affiliate marketing, Amazon FBA, blogging, being an influencer — whether it be a product or service, you must know how to test it. Testing helps determine if whatever you are pursuing has the potential to grow. How else will you know if you should keep going or maybe try something else?

When I started my first side hustle 10 years ago, I was super broke. I needed to create a system where I could conservatively estimate whether or not my idea was worth my time, and more importantly, my money.

At the time, I didn’t understand the idea of drop shipping so I consequently gravitated towards e-commerce. I ended up buying hundreds of hats, sweatpants, and sweatshirts with money from my pocket, putting a logo on them, and sitting with my inventory for years to come. Ouch. I ended up donating most of it to Goodwill simply because I bought more inventory than I could sell.



Adrian Brambila

Made $1M in a Year from Side Hustles Ex-Pro dancer (T-Pain, Step Up 3)