Do you want to be popular or do you want to make money?

Adrian Brambila
4 min readSep 27, 2024

If you look at my travel posts on my Instagram since I embarked over a month and a half ago, it would appear that I am living my best life traveling the world, eating amazing foods, experiencing the best of travel.

But that is not the truth. I am the saddest I’ve ever been in my life. I am still and will always be grieving the loss of my daughter. These videos and the practice of vlogging are just an outlet.

I don’t want to be gloomy, I just want to let you know that what you see on Instagram is not reality. It’s people posting the ‘best’ of their life and I would argue a lot of that is manufactured.

I imagine that if you follow me and follow business content creators you probably have this ‘shiny object’ business gurus flexing how grand and rich their life is.

Don’t be easily impressed by material objects and people who flex status or wealth. Reality is not as advertised!

In Italy I took a food tour and as we walked, there were many waiters who shouted to the streets to get people in their restaurants. I learned a very valuable life lesson from that tour guide.

He said: “Amazing pasta doesn’t shout on the streets to come and eat me.”



Adrian Brambila

Made $1M in a Year from Side Hustles Ex-Pro dancer (T-Pain, Step Up 3)