How many leads do you have?

Adrian Brambila
3 min readSep 6, 2024

I’ve never been bad with money. Even when I made $27,000 a year I still found a way to be scrappy enough to save 10% of it. I remember in those days I would buy the biggest bag of frozen mixed vegetables I could find at Walmart and portion them out over the week alongside either top Ramen or cheap ground chuck beef. My meals must have averaged out to $1–3 each.

I never cared (still don’t) about spending money to appear wealthy to other people. Spending money on status. Even today I live under my means.

Because my net worth is significantly higher than 10 years ago along with my income I can afford nicer things but I am still living beneath my means. This is a habit that you must adopt now no matter how much money you make because as you continue to make more money you will never get ahead.

That’s why 70% of people who win the lottery lose it all in 5 years and why articles of famous celebrities and athletes who make millions in their careers end up broke.

If you never curb your desire for status you’ll never make enough money to buy the world.

One thing I love about Japan is that everyone appears to be very humble in appearance. The only times I see big flashy designer status flexing people are from tourists!



Adrian Brambila

Made $1M in a Year from Side Hustles Ex-Pro dancer (T-Pain, Step Up 3)