The MOST Important Number In Affiliate Marketing

Adrian Brambila
4 min readMay 7, 2021

There is one magic number that you need to understand. Just by knowing this number, you will put yourself at a higher level than 99% of, not just affiliate marketers, but marketers in general!

The acronyms CPA and CPL stand for cost per acquisition and cost per lead, respectively. These two phrases can be used interchangeably and are both just nerdy lingo for saying how much money one has to spend to acquire the contact information of a potential customer. Knowing the definition is easy; mastering the number is the difference between doing affiliate marketing as a side hustle versus having it bring in seven figures of income.

When I first heard of affiliate marketing, I thought it sounded like a great way to make money without high upfront costs and risk. That being said, I believe that I was going it all wrong back then. If I could go back with what I know now, my numbers would be ten times crazier! So, what was I doing wrong? How do you do it right?

What Is Affiliate Marketing?

First, let’s break down what affiliate marketing is. Affiliate marketers are essentially online saleswomen and salesmen who sell on the internet. They get paid a generous commission for every…



Adrian Brambila

Made $1M in a Year from Side Hustles Ex-Pro dancer (T-Pain, Step Up 3)