The TRUTH About PASSIVE Income

Adrian Brambila
5 min readApr 29, 2021

10 years ago, I started my first online side hustle. I got the idea in my head after reading a book called the 4-Hour Work Week by Tim Ferriss. Today, I feel like I am a living example of this book. I was inspired by the stories of people all over the world who are on a journey to make money while they sleep. I decided that this lifestyle was worthy of pursuit and worthy of my time and I hope you do the same.

Were those first 10 years all glory? Of course not. In fact, the first 6 years were a lot of struggle and failure! It was like being on a roller coaster that only went down. Luckily, I stuck with it because I saw the light at the end of the tunnel. Now, I too make money while I sleep.

In 2019, I was able to retire and hire my dad. He comes from a different generation, like most parents, where what they had to do to earn a living was work a 9 to 5 and climb the corporate ladder until they had enough money to retire. Things have changed a lot since that era. For example, pensions aren’t even around anymore!

My dad manages the financial side of my affiliate business. Anytime we get a check over $1,000 he shoots me a very excited text. This is funny to me because I’m used to seeing these numbers all of the time. Getting checks like this has…



Adrian Brambila

Made $1M in a Year from Side Hustles Ex-Pro dancer (T-Pain, Step Up 3)